Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blog about ART SHOW

Ok fellas and ladies.  The past several months have been crazy busy for me in life.  I had a baby and such. And a two year old. Financially things are tight so I have kept myself busy at home, cooking a lot, making stuff... Artistically I could have let things go, but NO! I am very fortunate to have a friend (who owns a wonderful local business known as the Mud Oven) who is allowing me to showcase my works, and I have filled my time since my last show (at Venus Envy in the fall) with making ALL NEW stuff! It's all very different from what I have been doing since I finished school. It has been so fun and exhilarating to keep the juices flowing.
So what's the deal, you ask? Where and when is this wonderful show so I can attend and bring all my friends???
Please do come if you can!
Here is the facebook event:
Lastly, please go to Facebook and "Like" my page to be kept up to date on my work!
Thank you!!

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